Kitchen clean checklist

Kitchen Cleaning Checklist for your Home and Great Tips for Company Ready House

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Cleaning our kitchen is a must whether it is daily, weekly, or monthly. A clean kitchen makes you are comfort to do stuff there. Plus, a clean or dirty kitchen provides the impression of the owner. Of course you will not want to be ashamed if your family or your friends visit your kitchen. A clean kitchen will decrease the infection probability too.

Daily Kitchen checklist Chores

According to those reasons, here are several chores you have to do to clean your kitchen. Your first daily chores in the kitchen are washing and cleaning up your dishes. Pots, pans, and other kitchen set have to be washed after cooking or having a meal. If you have a dishwasher and you do not want to be tired of washing your dishes, run your dishwasher as needed. Do not forget to clean and empty your dishwasher or sink after using.

After cooking, wipe down your top of stove, kitchen counters, and table. Spray it with disinfect, wipe it down with a wet towel. Food remnants are very annoying if they are crusted and hard to be cleaned. Then you have to vanish it when it is still not crusted.

Empty your trash can every day. Do not wait for it to be full. The trash can in the kitchen usually is used to patch organic rubbishes. It will not smell good and annoy you. Thus, if there is any spills in your table or floor, wipe it up immediately. In addition, sweep your kitchen floor and change out your kitchen towels with a clean one every day.

Weekly Kitchen checklist Chores

Not only daily chores of kitchen cleaning, but weekly chores are also a must. By cleaning several stuffs every week in your kitchen, there will be no much bacteria infect you. Besides, keeps everything clean is not bad, right? Here are several stuffs you have to do.

You have to clean out the refrigerator and freezer from any older food. Remove the ice from the freezer and wipe it with a wet towel. After that, it is time to clean other areas. You should mop your kitchen floor by disinfectant. Thoroughly disinfect the sink and clean faucets and sanitize sponges. Then, check the cleaning supplies, and restock it as necessary, such as towel, soap, etc. By any chance, if you have a microwave, clean it.

You will need some supplies to clean your kitchen. So, make sure you always restock it. Save a box or bag to collect clutter, microfiber cloths, glass cleaner, mop, floor cleaner, broom or vacuum, scrubbing cleanser, etc. These following steps are the chores you must do.

  1. Make the clutter to be neat; throw any rubbish in the trash, make everything stay in their original place.
  2. Remove the dust at any areas; by using a long-handled duster, clean the ceiling fan, tops of your fridge, lighting, window trim, and any other areas.
  3. Wipe all of your kitchen down; by using a microfiber cloth and a spray bottle of all-purpose cleanser, clean and wipe the dirt everywhere. Wipe the stove top, spills off the floor and the oven. Wipe down the small appliances, light switches and door knobs.
  4. Make your microwave to be clean and any crusts are vanished.
  5. Wash and disinfect your sink; the kitchen sink is dirtier than the toilet Wash it with hot water and bleaching.
  6. Sweeping and mop
Clean kitchen floor

Monthly Kitchen checklist Chores

Other important chores of kitchen cleaning are monthly chores. By cleaning several stuffs every month in your kitchen, you will make sure your kitchen is really clean. You do not need to be ashamed of your kitchen more. The following steps you must do are written here.

Clean everything you have not touched to be cleaned in a long time. Clean any machine such as cleaning your coffee maker, cleaning your dishwasher inside and out, cleaning your oven, but consider how many times you use it. A kitchen sink is good to be cleaned with vinegar, baking soda and boiling water. Clean inside of the refrigerator and freezer too.

Besides, you must clean the trash can. Wipe it outside and other kitchen appliances. Restock your pantry inventory and freezer inventory. Straighten your cabinets and drawers, make it repaired if anything is wrong. Those are several chores you should do monthly.

Clean refrigerator

Quarterly Kitchen checklist for cleaning and other tips

Now, here are some tips to clean other things in your kitchen that you maybe forget. Do not forget to clean your refrigerator coils. Unplug it first so that you will not be in danger. Clean under the refrigerator too. You can read the safety step in the manual instructions. Do the same thing to clean the oven, dishwasher, and any other machine.

Make your kitchen to be neat by sort through and organize all of cooking utensils, pans, etc. Get rid of anything broken and throw anything unused in the trash can. Look at your inventory of spices and supplements, check the expired date, and restock of what needs restocked.

Kitchen Cleaning Checklist for Your Company Ready House

If you want to aim a company ready house, you must have a cleaned kitchen. Several guests offer to help in the kitchen. The cleaner the kitchen will make them relaxed and comfortable. Do not forget for welcoming your guests. Make it simple, but unforgettable.

It is described above if the kitchen is something important to be cleaned. By any chance, if you want making a party or your in-laws will be visiting you, you have to get your home in the best condition as possible. One of the steps is cleaning your kitchen. Daily chores have to be done before cleaning your kitchen. Put your plate, pan, and any other cleaned goods in your kitchen to other clean place.

  1. Vanishing any dust.

Dust the light fixtures. Wipe down the tops of the cabinets and fridge. Wipe down any areas in your kitchen to by a wet towel and any disinfectant.

  1. Wipe down cabinets, walls, back-splash, and other areas.

Things splatter and grease floats through the air are landing on every surface. It will make your kitchen dirty for a long time. You can spot-wipe or thoroughly scrub it all. Since dishwashing liquid is effective to remove grease, use it. Scrub the top of the vent above the stove. By doing a spot-wiping, your kitchen will look cleaner.

  1. Clean the oven, microwave, and any other machine.

To clean your oven and microwave, put a bowl of hot water and add it with a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar or citric acid, run it for two minutes. The steam of the water will make wiping out the microwave easier.

  1. Scrub the counters, sink, and stove burners with a soapy towel.

A soapy towel will make cleaning your sink easier. If there is a crust, try to sprinkle a tablespoon of baking soda and run it for 5 minutes. It will make you easy to scrub it too.

  1. Clean out the fridge and the freezer.

Throw away any unused liquid in your fridge. Wipe down the handles and other smudges. Then vanish the ice flower in your freezer.

  1. Wipe down the trashcan by splash it with soapy water and dry it.
  2. Do sweep and mop.

Do sweep first, then mop.

  1. Put all of your serving utensils together.

It doesn’t matter where, as long as you can give a specific location when someone asks for a serving spoon.  Even though, on a random Tuesday, it may not bother you to open three or four drawers to find what you need to serve the mashed potatoes, it might bother you to have to do it in front of your guests.

  1. Put your plates, pans, and other to their original place.

After cleaning all of spot in your kitchen, put everything back to their original place. Put it neatly so that it does not look messy. A good placement will provide a good impression too.

  1. Restock all of your necessary.

Restock your salt, sugar, tea, coffee, pepper, and any other kitchen set. Place them in a pot, then arrange them in a tray or basket. Place them in a place you can take it easily. Restock your hand soap, dishwashing liquid, and a clean washcloth that is all out at the sink. Change your towel if it’s too wet to be used. Restock your refrigerator too with vegetables, meats, fruits, etc.

The cleanness of your kitchen is one of the most important things when you welcome your guests into your home. To make it easier, do the daily chores so that you will not be overwhelmed. Take a day off so you can take your time and be more thorough. But do not forget to have a plan first. Write anything you have to do to clean your kitchen before execute it. Happy cleaning!.


Originally posted 2019-07-03 01:19:46.

I love learn and share with writing. In this blog I will help you get simple and easy home tips for better life. Explore home decoration, home cleaning, lighting, painting, organizing, cooking, repairing, and others.

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