Bathroom wall cabinets ideas

Best Bathroom Wall Cabinets Design for All Interior Style

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The idea of adding wall cabinets in the bathroom is to provide some more storage space while we still provide enough space in the room.

These targets aren’t easy to reach yet not impossible to get as well. The following ideas are brilliant.

They combine efficient storage with effective amenities, style, and compact design for even a small bathroom. Check this out.

Read also: How to Decorate Bathroom Wall?


1. Wall Mounted Towel Cabinet

We used to hang the towels on a hanger on the wall and we often see it as a little unattractive. To change the look, we can actually add or elaborate the towel hanger with a cabinet on top of it.

This can be a small two doors cabinet with a little counter on the top to put several toiletries or decor. The back of the cabinet stretches down a little, giving your towel hanger a place to get attached to.

2. Wall Recessed Cabinet

This is the smartest thing to do actually. You can create even a huge cabinet in your small bathroom by making wall recessed cabinet. It doesn’t eat your space yet it provides you more than enough space for storage.

You can finish the cabinet with a cover, but exposing everything can be a pleasant view as well. In alternative, you can use mirror cabinet yet you recess it into the wall. It is fun and surprising while it is smart and secretive as well.

3. Built-in Nook

Similar to the wall recessed cabinet, you can also make a small nook in the bathroom. It doesn’t have to be well recessed in the wall, a little will do. If you need a lot of storage, you can make it tall and add several shelves.

However, it will be cute to make a small nook to put a flower vase and your shower gel on it. It is decorative while it is also functional at the same time.

Bathroom wall cabinet ideas for small bathroom

4. Floating Wall Mounted Flat Panel Cabinet

This is a perfect design for a modern bathroom. The wall mounted setting makes sure it doesn’t take more space than it is. The flat panel gives it a clean look and modern style while being functional as well at the same time.

Being floating, it is easier to clean the below space while we can also add baskets of towels or kids bench under. Finish it with simple color. Two colors combination is a good alternative for the finish.

5. Mirror Frame Cabinet

We often spare one side of the room for the mirror. We usually add real big mirror on it to give more spacious feeling in the bathroom.

Instead of leaving the rest of the wall empty, we can enrich the look by making a mirror frame with cabinet corporate on it. It gives you fast access to the storage, while it doesn’t occupy new areas for the entire storage. In many ways, it looks elaborated and stylish as well.

There are actually many ideas you can try. Instead of staying with classic vanity as cabinet, you can try those ideas. They are all wall cabinets yet they are functional as much as aesthetic as well.

Bathroom wall cabinets design

Originally posted 2020-02-17 20:56:14.

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