4 Best Homemade Grout Cleaner You Must Try!

4 Best Homemade Grout Cleaner You Must Try!

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Cleaning the grout may come from a good intention. However when you apply the store bought cleaner, the room can change into toxic ordeal.

The cleaning alone can be messy while it is dangerous for you to breath in the room as well. As a solution, try homemade grout cleaner that aren’t toxic and safer.

Here are several recopies and how to use it. Check it out.

1. Simple Homemade Grout Cleaner

This first recipe is probably the most popular one if you don’t know it yet. The ingredients used in this recipe are pretty simple and easy to get. You are going to need:

  • A teaspoon of dish soap, the liquid one
  • ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide
  • ½ cup of baking soda

When you have the entire ingredients, let’s try to make the cleaner solution. First, find a small bottle with a squeeze top. It should make things easier from now on. Add the baking soda in the bottle and then add the hydrogen peroxide. While using the hydrogen peroxide, make sure to never touch your eyes, and use a glove. It stings on a small cut on your skin and you need clean rinse if it touches your eyes.

Shake a little to mix both ingredients in the bottle. When you are done, add the dish soap and close the top. Give it a good shake to make sure all are dissolved well.

To use the solution, we only need to apply it on the tile where it gets the grout. Then give it a rub. In alternative, you can use a sponge and add the cleaner on the sponge. Then, use the sponge to clean the area.

If the grout is intense and it gets mildew and mold, you may need to cover the area with the cleaner and let it sits for several minutes. Then, use a wet sponge or towel and clean it. It will do magic.

Simple Homemade Grout Cleaner

2. Homemade Grout Cleaner with Essential Oils

This second recipe is another great alternative that actually smells good because of the essential oils while it remains great as they are anti bacterial agent too. You are going to need:

  • Five drops of lemon oil
  • Five drops of lavender oil
  • Five drops of tea tree oil
  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • Three tablespoons of Castile soap

Before you start making the cleaner, you are going to need a jar with lid. Then, add the entire essential oils in the jar and the castile soap. Mix them nicely using an old toothbrush or a teaspoon. Then, add the baking soda. Mix again well. The texture should be like a paste. When it reaches paste texture, the solution is ready to use.

To clean the grout with this cleaner, you only need to apply the cleaner on the grout and then give it a rub using an old toothbrush or scrub brush you usually use. Then, give it a second brush. This time, make sure the brush is wet enough for the duty. It should create foam in this stage, and it means the cleaner works. The grout will go with the foam. Finally, rinse with water until clean.

How to Make Homemade Grout Cleaner with Lemon Oil

3. Homemade Grout Cleaner with Lemon Juice

The third recipe contains even simpler ingredients while it also smells fresh and cleans the grout well. Lemon juice is known to be acidic. It means it can remove dirt and stains effectively. However, it won’t ruin your tile surfaces, because the acid is mild enough. To make this cleaner, you are going to need:

  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice

It is always preferable to use fresh squeezed lemon juice in this recipe to make sure it has the ultimate effectiveness when used.

To make the cleaner, you only need a small bowl and an old toothbrush. First, add the entire ingredients in the bowl. Second, mix them well. It should form a soft paste in the end. When it becomes paste, it is ready to use.

To use this cleaner, you only need to use the toothbrush or even your finger to apply it on the grout. When you are done applying the paste, leave it to sit for around five minutes. Then, use a rug, towel, or the toothbrush to brush the paste. Once you are done, rinse the area with clean water. Now, you have pristine surface without mildew or mold.

4. Homemade Heavy Duty Grout Cleaner

Sometimes there are stubborn stains and mold or mildew. Mostly, it is caused by average reasons but we fail to clean it immediately. These stains and dirt need heavy duty cleaner and this cleaner is easy to make as well. You are going to need:

  • 7 cups of warm water
  • ¼ cup of white vinegar
  • 1/3 cup of ammonia
  • ½ cup of baking soda

It is the baking soda that will mostly clean the stains and grime on the surface, but it is the ammonia that will leave your tile clean and pristine. Both make a great combination. However, you aren’t allowed to use ammonia near to chlorine bleach.

If you have any, make sure to set it aside before you start cleaning. When ammonia and chlorine bleach touches, it creates chlorine gas, and it is extremely dangerous to inhale.

To make the cleaner, make sure to provide a gallon container. Add the entire ingredients in the container and stir them to mix it well. Now, it is ready to use. Take a spray bottle and use the help of funnel to transfer it from the container to the spray bottle.

Spray the cleaner on the surface you want to clean. Let it sit for several minute for an ultimate result. Then, use a brush and use it on the area. It will remove the stains and grime nicely. When you are done scrubbing, rinse the area using a damp cloth or wet towel, and you are done.

With only a few dollars, you can get rid of the grout without exposing yourself to chemical danger. Why do you want to use the commercial cleaners if you have one of these rock stars cleaner on hand?


Originally posted 2020-11-27 01:32:28.

I love learn and share with writing. In this blog I will help you get simple and easy home tips for better life. Explore home decoration, home cleaning, lighting, painting, organizing, cooking, repairing, and others.

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