Screened in Porch with Fireplace

How Much Does It Cost to Have Screened in Porch with Fireplace?

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Nobody can deny the cold temperature when winter comes. In some places, winter can be extremely cold.

Many people come up with an idea to build a fireplace in their screened porch but some are still planning it.

Here are some explanation about how it will cost you and how you can build it.

1. The Type of Fireplace

First of all you need to decide what type of fireplace you are going to build in your screened porch. Since it can be made of various materials and there are a lot of types, let’s shorten it out into two types only.



Commonly, people like to apply natural burning or gas fireplace into their screened porch. Both will have different cost surely since they also have different ways to be installed.

1. Natural Burning Fireplace

This kind of fireplace requires a ground level screened-in porch since it may be prohibitively expensive to build natural burning fireplace off the ground.

When you have a raised screened-in porch, you will have to start from the ground and go up through the raised porch if you want to add a natural burning fireplace.

It seems like not ideal and can be difficult to find a professional who will do it without raising the fee highly.

Natural burning fireplace

Even ground-based natural burning fireplace sounds better, it still have some issues as well. You will have a tower sticking out of your porch since the top of the flue has to be at least two feet above the roofline.

Moreover, the masonry have to go all the way up on the side and it will also need to have an outside veneer. A fireplace inspection for the stonework is also needed to keep it maintained.

Therefore, it will generally cost at least $15.000 to $20.000 to add a natural burning fireplace in your screened-in porch room.

Even it seems too much, some people still find it worth it because they can enjoy what talented masons have done with stonework. There is almost no other way to get the unique look than that.

2. Gas Fireplace

The other option is gas fireplace. The cost is actually will not be that different but there are some differences in the way you install it. Installing gas fireplace is far away easier than installing natural burning fireplace.

Gas fireplace

If you have limited budget and your screened-in porch is raised, installing a gas fireplace can be the better and wiser option.

You probably need to spend for about $12.000 to $15.000, but it still depends on how much you spend in decorating the stonework.

Although the cost of getting mechanical permit for the fireplace is not included yet, it is likely still cheaper than installing natural burning fireplace. Once again, this option can be done only if you have a raised screened-in porch.

Adding fireplace to your screened-in porch is one of the ways to warm your house during winter. However, it will be better if you add it with the right and effective budget.

Screened in porch designs with fireplace

Originally posted 2019-11-01 03:04:22.

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