How to Eliminate Yeast Smell in Bread

How to Eliminate Yeast Smell in Bread

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Not everyone loves the yeast like smell from bread. If you are wondering how it actually smells, you could compare the aroma spreading out from newly opened yeast package.

Even if it makes special remarks of a fresh product, some people find it disturbing.

Lucky for those who can’t stand the smell, there are several tips to safe your day.

1. Careful Kneading

Yeast is a must in any bread making recipe. No yeast, no bread. Even so, you could reduce the sharp smell of it by kneading the dough properly.

Instead of throwing a bunch of yeast into the bowl, it is better to sprinkle the yeast on the raw dough. Do this repeatedly until all needed yeasts are poured.

This method will prevent any clumped yeast, and you could be sure that all yeast are spread evenly. After baking process, you should have less yeast odor compared to the dough that has clumped yeast in it. The smell will emit from certain part of the bread.

2. Proper Raising

After kneading, you usually leave it for 45 minutes to one hour in room temperature. Some people love to have higher raise than it should be.

You might be surprised, but the higher a bread rise, the more yeast content it has. In the other words, you have to control the raise of the dough. A normal raise should allow the dough to be twice as big.

To measure it, perform a simple finger test on the dough. Dip your finger to the kneaded dough before rising. Then double the initial measurement and use it to determine when to stop the raising process. You could also give a mark on the plate.

4 Simple Tips to Eliminate Yeast Smell in Bread

3. Perfect Temperature

It is good to follow the instruction written on your cook book about the baking time. However, you need a little trick to skip the unwanted smell.

The baking process is basically another raising process, but this time it is combined with ingredient blending using heat.

If you want to have yeast-free product, you have to make sure that all yeasts get enough time to react with the other ingredients. The ideal temperature for this purpose is 75 to 85 degree Fahrenheit.

Set the temperature too hot, and some yeasts might not have the chance to blend. Don’t leave your oven unattended.

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4. Clean Oven

All three steps mentioned above should be enough to get rid of yeast smell. If you still sniff some on your bread, then the problem is on the oven.

Try to smell the inner part of the oven. Watch out! Do it after you turn off the electricity and let it cool. If you detect yeast aroma, then it is time to clean up the property.

Since it is impossible to request yeast-smell free bread from the bakery, you could always do some tweaks to your own recipe. Pay attention to the mixing process. Clumped yeast will be more likely to leave particular odor after baking. Don’t forget to set the right temperature while baking. If these don’t work, then you should clean your oven.


Originally posted 2020-03-25 02:56:57.

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