Dining Room Wall Molding Ideas

Interesting Dining Room Wall Molding Ideas

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A lively and enjoyable diner is not merely about how you as the host can be as warm as possible to your guests.

It is sometimes also about how your dining room can be a welcoming room. Bear in mind that a room that is warm and welcoming is the one with a well-dressed walls.

Don’t miss the opportunity to welcome your dining guests with giving your dining room one of these following wall molding:


1. Crown Molding

At the intersection of ceilings and walls, we usually find a drywall junction. In this case, a crown molding coming with an angle of 450 and also a hollow space can help you with the job.

Not only will the crown molding cover the junction, it will also reduce the need of finishing the crown finely.

This kind of wall molding is perfect for you who don’t really favor sanding and the drywall mudding of your dining room. Although installing the crown molding can be difficult to make gap-free angles, it is surely worth trying.

Crown dining room wall molding ideas

See also: Dining Room Wall Trim Ideas

2. Picture Frame Wall Molding

You may say picture frame is not a common idea to give a dining room wall molding. You may also say think and say that wall frame molding is only for a house with an English and formal look.

Well, wall picture frame is basically a decorative element of a wall of any kind of house. This kind of wall trim is commonly used in a form of four pieces that are assembled to make a picture frame.

If you want to try this wall molding, don’t forget to paint the it in a different shade from the wall’s. This wall molding will surely give your dining room an elegant look.

Picture framed wall molding dining room decor ideas

See also: How to Decorate a Wall with Photos

3. Dentil

Here comes another idea of giving your dining room wall molding by using dentil. This kind of wall molding is usually incorporated into the crown molding.

This wall molding is usually used and often found in houses employing historic themes.

To install this wall molding, give your wall a detail of ornamental that is complemented with a Classical pedigree.

Besides, complement the crown molding with dentil molding that comes in even and small spaced blocks whose patterns are repeated. To make the look more historic, apply dark brown coat to the molding.

Dentil crown dining room ideas
Image: poppingtonart.com

4. Bead and Pearl Wall Molding

Do you already have crown molding or chair rail wall trim on your dining room wall but you thing you still need a wall molding?

Complement them with bead and pearl wall molding. They are actually similar although they are still different.

Both of them feature symmetrical spheres that come in small rows. If you want to use this kind of wall molding but want to add another variation to the wall molding, you can combine them with other designs such as spindles, leaves, or darts.

Bead and Pearl Wall Molding

Every wall molding has different thing to offer to you. Before choosing any wall molding, make sure you are certain with what kind of atmosphere you want your dining guests to feel when they are dining in your dining room. Choose wisely!

Originally posted 2020-07-24 08:05:12.

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