Simple Tips How to Organize Small Garage

Simple Tips How to Organize Small Garage

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Organizing a garage, especially the small one, isn’t an easy task with no size will fit everything.

However, there are several small yet smarts tips you should try.

These tips are guaranteed to help you organize the small garage nicely and make a better use of it. Check these out.

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1. Install Garage Cabinets

This is the first obvious thing you need to add on your small garage. Instead of leaving the stuffs on the floor that eats up a lot of your space, order the garage cabinet.

Most of these cabinets are customized so you can adjust it to your specific needs. The most important thing it to make sure each cabinet has a stud behind it. You’ll need the stud to secure the cabinet later. Make combination of shelves, working table, drawer, and hooks on the cabinet to organize as many stuffs as possible.

Small garage cabinet design ideas

2. Use the Corner Shelves

A small garage can always use a corner shelves. While other shelves are added on obvious position, corner shelves actually take the existing studs as an advantage. You can use plywood with a little support from 1×1 cleats.

To store more stuffs, you can build multiple layers of the shelf. It makes perfect place to store small stuffs that often get lost on large shelves like polishes, waxes, oil, glue, and other small things. While there will be no more clutters, your small garage will have more space.

Small garage organizing ideas with Corner Shelves and black furnitures

3. Consider Over Head Storage

Fittings and PVC pipes cemented together will make a sturdy and reliable over head storage. To support the heavy loads, get the straight pipes bolted to the ceiling. Meanwhile, you need to get the angled pipes and screw it from the wye connector to the brace. It will put stability on the rack. The PVC pipes have smooth surface so it will be easy for you to load and unload stuff. Being over head, the below space will be more spacious.

Best 10 Small Garage Organizing Tips

4. Try Wall Tool Holder

There are several tools that are big enough to store so it takes a lot space and they tend to clutter the garage floor. Gardening tools, brooms, shovels, and rakes deserve a better storage. Create the holder from two pieces of 16 x 16 inches of ½ inch plywood. Screw the plywood to the garage stud. You need a slight upward angle for the best result. Then, slide in your tools in it. Bye bye to the clutters.

Small garage shelving storage ideas

5. Stack the Bins

Plastic storage bins are great stuffs to add on your small garage. However, stacking is just that way on one side of the wall isn’t wise for a small garage. It is hard to get to the bottom bins, and it tends to fall and create mess on your small garage floor.

The solution is to stack it with a tower cabinet. Each bin gets a shelf and you build it up to save some space below. It allows you to categorize and to reach each bin in a flash.

6. Ceiling Track Storage

If you have many plastic bins on big size, it is time to consider storing it on the ceiling. To make sure it is easy to load and unload, you only need to make a pair of track for the bins. Use the bin to get the right width of the track and use the 2 x 2 for the best track. It may take a little effort to make the track but it makes a perfect storage for light to medium stuffs from camping truck to holiday decoration.

Small garage storage systems

7. Flexible Storage Wall

You need a storage that actually fits well on the narrow space between the garage wall and your car. Then, you also need it to be strong and sturdy enough to carry all stuffs at once. Also, you need it to be easy to reorganize every time you need it.

The solution is shelf standards and horizontal wood strips. Add several layers on your garage and you have heavy duty shelves that fit every wall point, hooks, and shelves. It also means more space on your garage.

8. Sliding Shelves

Sliding bypass units and rollout cabinets or shelves are great news for small garage. Due to the design, it actually stores 50% more than the usual cabinets or shelves. Long tools can be organized better while it is still easy to reach and the storage takes smaller space.

You only need to slide the shelves on one side and reach beneath it to get the stuff you need. While it is far more practical and space saving, it looks better and it is tidier as well at the same time.

Small garage bicycle storage

9. High Space Cabinet

If you make sure most of your stuffs are within reach, you must use a lot of space of your garage. In many ways, this isn’t a wise organizing for a small garage. Instead of making all stuffs easy to get, add cabinets on the high space near to the ceiling.

While it is not a prestigious real estate for things you will use often, it makes a perfect space for seasonal stuffs like your camping gear, decoration, and other things you rarely use. Adding storage up will give you more rooms below, and make a small garage more spacious.

10. Get Some Hooks

Hook is like a magical thing for a small garage. Get some more hooks and save more for the future. It is possible to add hooks on so many places, from your cabinet side to your overhead and track storage. J shaped hook is very popular while other basic shapes are great too. Add in a reasonable place to hang your ladder, extra 2×4 pieces, and tools too. Make sure to by ones with sturdy material and attach using appropriate tools as well for reliable strength.

So the key to organize a small garage is to be willing to use more shelves and storage that are smartly design. Most of them are easy to make by yourself while it actually clear up some space of your garage. Build it up to make some room, and have fun with hooks!.


Originally posted 2021-02-25 05:54:00.

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