Do you like travelling? Recreational Vehicle or RV is the most suitable vehicle for this kind of hobbies.
You have to pay attention to the design of your garage door when you want to place an RV there.
Here are the tips to make a spacious space in your garage.
Read also: Garage Door Roller Sizes.
1. The Standard of RV garage
The single garage has 10 × 7’, 9 × 7’ and 8 × 7’ around. Meanwhile, the height which usually applies in the RV garage is 12’-15 and the ceiling height up to 9 feet.
If you have multiple vehicles, you have to make a bigger garage as storage. Remember the garage has to fit with your RV; it needs a proper architectural plan and design.
2. What Kind of Vehicles Do You Have?
There are many types of RV like Caravan, travel trailers and some large motors. The kind of your vehicle plays an important role on the sizes of your garage door. A big motor coaches has 45 feet long.
The Caravan can be up to 40 feet long. Travel trailer and motor home has 7-1/2 to 8 ½ feet measurement. Important things are that you have to make sure your RV is fit inside the garage before apply the garage door.
3. The Installation
It is all about the cost and worth. In America the price of an RV garage door is estimated from $375 to $825 for a 12’ ×12’ size and $1,059 for 16’ size. The installation prices begin from $150.
4. The RV Garage Door Design
The Garage door can be applied as simple as a conventional door. But if you like something artistically, you can consult the architect to make your RV Garage door look stunning. If you want to make a garage door higher than 8 feet, you have to try the idea of the Washington architect, Lyndon.
Apply a Schweiss doorframe to the garage. Make the vertical seam and lift strap door 12 feet wide with a 14 feet tall opening. At last, use a remote opener to make it more modern. Do not forget to give metal windows in your big sized RV door. It will look amazing!

5. A Single or Double Garage Door
There are a lot of options whether you want to place a single size or double size door into your garage. You have to pay attention to the advantages. You can put a single door with 12 feet height for an RV garage.
If you like double door, it can measure up to 10 feet. Which is better? The design element comes first when your question is about architectural style.
Two single doors will maintain balance between the garage door and the house. But if you live in the low temperature place, the double garage door is not a good option because it lets the cold air comes in and drops the temperature rapidly.
Choosing an RV garage door is not an easy thing, before you apply the door you have to know where you live. The temperature changes and the neighborhood will change the chosen one RV garage door.
Originally posted 2019-07-01 01:00:50.
There is no concrete rule on choosing the size of your RV garage door because the size really depends on your RV size and the entrance size. As long as you know which size to buy, you should have no problem. Is that right?
yes, right… thanks you…
It is essential to note that an RV garage entry must be somewhat larger than the RV itself to provide for adequate maneuvering room. Thank you for writing this post.