Outdoors Shower Curtains

Three Types of Outdoors Shower Curtains

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Summer provides the most sunlight as well as heat. Playing outside is a must, and you will need a quick shower right after that.

Since it is shower, why don’t you take a splash outside? It will be more refreshing and efficient.

Installing outdoor shower curtain is fun and easy, as long as you know enough about the material.

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Three Types of Outdoors Shower Curtains
Three Types of Outdoors Shower Curtains

1. Hemp

This is the organic material with long history of its own. It is made from the dried stalk of hemp plant. The finishing product has not only warmth and softness, but also great durability. This quality cannot be found in the other natural fabric.

The natural color is brown, but you can easily find the colorful one these days. In addition, this fabric has natural protection against mildew and mold.

It means the cleaning could be done monthly, not daily or weekly. While the other natural fabric should be washed by hands, hemp has no problem going inside the washing machine.

Even dried inside the drying machine will not tear the fabric apart. It also takes shorter time to dry under the sun. Unfortunately, you have to spend more to purchase this organic curtain.

2. Fabric Showers

There are a lot of fabric shower types available. People love this product because it has a lot of colors and pattern. Compared to plastic material, fabric is more elastic and softer. If you look closely at the material, fabric showers usually made from 100% cotton lined with vinyl or PVC and 100% polyester.

When you prefer style over durability, then you can pick the cotton material. It has numerous choice of patterns and colors.

However, it cannot stand weather changes, and it will break in short time. The polyester, in the other side, has only solid colors in the list. The good thing is it is the most resistant to mold and mildew.

You can also choose plastic curtain over the polyester one. However, it should be washed by hands and might break after several seasons. In the end, you might end up buying a new one every month.

DIY outdoor shower curtain rod

3. Vinyl

Another popular option is vinyl. It is the most durable and weather resistant material. Possessing these two factors would make a perfect outdoor curtain. The maintenance is also easy: You just need to scrub the surface with bleaching product and rinse with water.

It is obvious that this option is not a green choice. Despite of its pattern variants, vinyl raises concern about its air pollution and the dangerous materials used in the process.

No wonder, a newly bought vinyl curtain has odd smell on it. Several experts claim that this bad odor comes from the toxic material in vinyl.

You can say that the smell will disappear within days, but the dangerous chemical could stick to the furniture, wall, or in the air for months. It may trigger breathing and the other health problems. For this reasons, you need to think twice before buying vinyl curtain.

Read also: How to Decorate a Bathroom Wall.

Whether it is indoor or outdoor, you need a curtain to cover your bathing area. However, the material for each curtain is not similar. Outdoor environment has several conditions that won’t be found in indoor bathroom. Therefore, you need to choose the suitable material for the shower curtain installed outdoor.

Outdoor shower curtain rod u shaped

Originally posted 2019-12-09 09:19:24.

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