How to Remove Stubborn Carpet Stains with Homemade Cleaners

How to Remove Stubborn Carpet Stains with Homemade Cleaners

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Rug or carpet is something that being considered as an expensive decoration. Carpet is not cheap, is it?

That’s why it becomes totally upsetting when you have to throw away your carpet due to some tough stains that can’t be eliminated, right? You can always clean your carpet using some cleaners that you can make at home.

If you don’t want to spend lots more money to buy a new carpet for your house, you have to make sure that your carpet is always in a clean state. Small stain on your carpet can bring negative effect on your house.

Although everything is crystal clear, when your carpet is stained, your house will appear dirty. It is better to clean any kind of spillage as soon as it happens, but sometimes you just can’t get rid of it in an instant although you already give your best. Then, you just leave it and it becomes old stains which are hard to clean.

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When you have kids or pets, it will be very easy to get your carpet stained, whether it is from your kids’ food, crayons, artworks, drinks, or anything. Or, probably your pets pee on it and even leave their hairs. Don’t worry, don’t get frustrated. Everything is going to be okay.

It is good for you to know how to get rid of old marks from your rug. You don’t have to waste your money just to call some experienced rug cleaning services.

They are sure not cheap. Wouldn’t it be great if you can learn how to clean all kinds of stains from your favorite rugs by yourself and save lots of money by doing so? Although you are probably won’t be able to make your rug like new again, you can always make it look great after you remove all the tough stains and dirt from it.

How to Remove Stubborn Carpet Stains with Homemade Cleaners

Here are some homemade cleaners that you can try to remove hard stains from your rug. You can try to clean the tough carpet stains using beer, vinegar, ammonia, salt, baking soda, or ice cubes. You can also buy some carpet cleaners. But if you can use what you already have at home, will it save more time and money? So, how do they work?

1. Beer

When you accidently spill out your tea or coffee on the rug, you can remove the stains by using beer. You can pour a small amount of beer on the top of the stains. Then, rub it lightly. You need to do it for several times to make the stains disappear completely.

2. Vinegar

Always have vinegar at your house since it is very useful in cleaning anything at home. You can use it to clean all kinds of stains from your rug. Here,

  • For light stain: mix ½ cup of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt. Rub the stain gently and let it dry. After that, vacuum the rug.
  • For darker or larger stain: the mixture can be added with 2 tablespoons of borax. The instruction is as the same as before.
  • For tough or hard stain: mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 1 tablespoon of vinegar until it becomes a paste. Wipe the paste onto the stains and let it sit for about two days. After two days, vacuum it.
  • For any stains from paints: mix 1 ½ teaspoons of vinegar, two cups of water, and 1 ½ teaspoons of detergent for laundry. Wipe the paints as soon as you can before they are set and then rinse the rug with water.
  • For any stains from fruits including the juice: mix 1 ½ tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoons of laundry detergent and 2 cups of water. Rub the stain with the mixture solution and let it dry.
  • For coffee or tea stain: mix vinegar and water with equal quantity. Rub the stain and let it dry.

3. Ammonia

You can use the ammonia solution to remove the stains from your rug. Mix 1 cup of ammonia solution and 2 liters of lukewarm water. Then you can sponge the mixture to the stains. Let it completely dry. Repeat this process for several times until the stains disappear.

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4. Salt

Here are some ways to make use of salt for carpet stains:

  • For red wine stain: when the spillage is not dry yet, you can pour directly the white wine to reduce its red color. Sponge the stain with cold water. Then, pour some salt on it and let it sit for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, vacuum it.
  • For fatty food stain: mix slat and rubbing alcohol with ratio 1 : 4. Scrub the mixture onto the stain carefully. Follow the rug nap direction Repeat it several times.
  • For ketchup stain: do it quickly before it becomes dry. Pour little salt on it and let it sit for awhile then vacuum it. Then sponge any leftover salt. Repeat the process several times until the stain totally disappears.

5. Baking soda

You can use baking soda to clean the stains of vomit, pet’s urine, and oily food stain.

  • For vomit or pet’s urine: wipe the stain as best as you can. Spread some making soda on the stain. Rub with some paper towels. After that, vacuum it to clean any residues.
  • For oily food stain: mix some baking soda with salt. Pour the mixture on the stain. Use toothbrush to stick the powder onto the stain. Leave it for five to six hours and vacuum it.

6. Ice cubes

You can use ice cubes to remove the chewing gum from the carpet. Put the ice cubes inside the plastic bag and place them on the gum to make it frozen. Scrape the gum with a knife.

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Pretty easy to do, isn’t it? You can make use of the ingredients in your kitchen to clean the carpet stains. You can also save lots of money by doing it. Remember! Clean the stains as soon as you can. You can make it difficult to remove once the stains dry. Good luck!

Remove Stubborn Carpet Stains

Originally posted 2020-08-12 23:13:10.

I love learn and share with writing. In this blog I will help you get simple and easy home tips for better life. Explore home decoration, home cleaning, lighting, painting, organizing, cooking, repairing, and others.

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