Front Porch Columns using Wooden Material

How to Build Front Porch Columns using Wooden Material

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It is known that wooden porch columns are functional because they can distribute the weight of patio roof as well as holding the roof in place.

Besides, wooden porch columns are decorative as they represent a more classic and classy look besides using the standard porch columns materials, such as metal and stone.

Speaking of how to build the wooden columns, here are what you should do.

Read also: Simple Front Porch Design Tips

How to build front porch columns woods, Front porch columns wooden, Front porch columns rustic wood beams

Step 1 – Measure the Distance

You should know the height of the porch columns should be, therefore what you need to do first is to measure the distance from the top of the porch to the roof extension or the bottom of the roof.

Besides, you will need 4 wooden porch columns, so you will need to measure the distance at each location. The height can measured due to home’s settling.

Then, you should cut the boards according to the measurements, which is 1 x 8 boards minus 4.5 inches.

After that, drill holes through the cut 1 x 8 boards along the edges with 6 inches apart at each holes’ location.

Step 2 – Add Interior Supports

In order to reduce stress of the wooden porch columns as well as to keep them steady, you need to add interior supports to each of them. Put one of the cut 2 x 6 boards on surface and then place one of the 1 x 8 pieces at each end and don’t forget to place another one in the center. Then, affix them with wood glue.

Front porch columns designs

Step 3 – Affix the Sides

The next step is to apply wood glue to the three edges of each interior supports as needed. Then, in order to form the column you need to place the remaining 1×8 pieces of lumber.

They need to be screwed in place to fully secure the sides of the porch column, therefore, you should put the screws in the drilled holes and secure them in place.

Step 4 – Make the Caps

After that, you should make caps, so that the wooden porch columns can distribute the weight of the roof and each column’s end requires one. What you need to do is to measure 7-8 inches from each edge of the 1 x 10 boards. Then, in order to form an inner square you need to connect the lines.

Don’t forget to apply wood glue around one of the inner squares, then press it in place on each porch column’s end. Then, line them up with the sides of the column.


Step 5 – Install the Porch Columns

Create all 4 wooden porch columns or as many porch columns as needed. Place the columns on the place you have decided then rise them up. Push each column in place then you can remove any wood you use to support the roof.

At last, you should sand down the wood and paint it. Building wooden porch columns is not difficult as it sounded and you actually can build them yourself.

What you need to do is to follow the instructions carefully in order to make the porch columns functional. Moreover, you will no longer need to hire a contractor to build you porch columns because you can do it by yourself.

Front porch wood columns

Front Porch Gallery Designs:

Originally posted 2020-10-01 07:15:45.

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