Best Screened In Porch Flooring Options

Best Screened In Porch Flooring Options

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If you have a normal porch, the flooring will surely wet whenever there’s rain. However, to have a screened porch means that you don’t have to deal with it.

This way, you can freely choose your best flooring. To widen your view, here are the best flooring for your screened in porch:

1. Wooden Floor

Wooden floor is the most common flooring choice and it is also one of the best flooring choices. Why is it? Well, it is due to the fact that wood always gives rustic accent to the room it is in. Also, it gives calm, warmth, and relaxing atmosphere just by seeing it.

Either you choose oak, maple, hardwood, dark wood or light wood; the atmosphere will always be so relaxing. Wooden floor can get mold and mildew but if it gets water on it.

Since a screened in porch is a closed porch, there is no water could get in so mold and mildew can’t grow. However, daily and thorough cleaning are still needed.

Screened In Porch Flooring wooden

Read also: The different types of screen for porches

2. Carpet

Carpet is flooring that is wished to be had by many people. But the fact is carpet can’t fit some porches due to rain problems. If you have a screened in porch then this won’t be a problem.

Carpet is comfortable flooring and it is surely add more coziness to your screened in porch.

But, you still need to be careful with the moisture in your screened in porch, make sure the carpet gets sunlight and free from dirt and spilled water or mold may grow under it.

There is also a possibility that there is a bug nest under the carpet, so make sure you clean it daily.

Screened In Porch Flooring Carpet

See also: Tips on how to remove mold and mildew from carpet

3. Wooden Tiles

Wooden tile is a choice when you want to have a wooden floor but you also want texture on your floor. The wood can be in form of pallet or it can have its pattern from the start.

Either way, it is an artificial wooden floor that is almost like the other flooring tiles.

The advantage is that there won’t be any mold or mildew grows on it and it gives great calming and relaxing atmosphere to the screened in porch. However, wooden tiles flooring is known to be pricey.

Screened In Porch Flooring Wooden Tiles

Read also: How to clean floor tile grout with steam

4. Concrete Floor

Some people may think that concrete floor is boring and plain. Well, it is half correct; it is indeed plain but not boring at all. In fact, concrete floor is plain yet elegant.

There is also classy yet simple atmosphere from this flooring. If you want some textures, this flooring is the best of it.

You can have it plain and elegant or with heartwarming textures. Either way, it’s still an elegant and classy tiles flooring.

Screened In Porch Concrete Flooring

The choices above are surely the best yet also the most elegant and relaxing flooring you can have in your screened in porch.

However, how comfortable and relaxing your flooring is you must never forget to clean it thoroughly and daily. If you are about to choose one of these, which one will you choose?


Originally posted 2019-10-30 00:48:28.

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